A table can facilitate conviviality or become a dividing barrier. What are you staging: a dinner, debate, conversation, interrogation, or arm-wrestling competition? Notes on Cooking & Eating Together, Claire Binyon and Renée Turner (p.109), Avinus Academia, 2023. Together with Claire Binyon, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, ESMAE, Polytechnic of Porto, we…
Read MorePublications
Productive Archiving: Artistic Strategies, Future Memories, and Fluid Identities
In his essay, The Archival Space of Herengracht H401: Artistic Research as Productive Archiving, Lars Ebert elaborates on the layered and complex history of the house of Gisele. He also explores the archival impulse through three artists, Amie Dicke, Ronit Porat and Renée Turner, whose artistic research at H401 unveils and generates other narrative and aesthetic…
Read MoreTuning
Tuning Transdisciplinary Education is a part of a larger Erasmus+ project that took place from 2019 to 2022. Initially, we, somewhat naively, planned to design a curriculum which would lay the grounds for transdisciplinary teaching. However, as we hosted different events, conducted interviews, gathered keywords, and reviewed related literature, projects and teaching practices, we realised transdisciplinary education is…
Read MoreSituationer Workbook / Cookbook: A Transformative Pedagogy Reader
Situationer Workbook/Situationer Cookbook, a transformative pedagogy reader initiated by Michelle Teran and published by Research Center WdKA and Publication Studio Rotterdam publishers. Bringing together experimental practices of learning otherwise, my contribution is a letter to Michelle about the pedagogies of my kitchen.
Read MoreExcerpts from an interview with Robin van den Akker and Renée Turner
As a part of the publication, RASL COMPOSITIONS: Collaboration, Commitment and Creativity in Education, Robin van den Akker and I discuss the potential of transdiciplinary education and approaches. Interviewed by Inge Janse, our conversation touches upon mapping the cultural moment, responding rather than reacting to the present and critically questioning the brief when it comes…
Read MorePublished in Daisyworld Magazine
‘To Sanne’ is a short text featured in Daisyworld Magazine, a seasonal art publication by Zazie Stevens. Originally, it was written on an assessment form and is an attempt to understand evaluation as an act of care rather than simply grading.
Read MoreELIA Biennial Conference selected presentations from the Thematic Mobile Sessions
While this publication by no means represents the sum of the conference, which included performances, keynote speakers and panels, it nonetheless offers an impression of the Thematic Mobile Sessions which took place at different venues across the city.
Read MoreInterview by Amy Pickles with Renée Turner for the Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab
You know, one of the things I like about writing in a digital environment is that there is no master narrative, only tentative propositions, networked connections that can be followed or ignored. Maybe as a form, it suits my own inability to prioritise and make decisions and my desire to circle around things without really landing on a single point or conclusion.
Read MoreDieuwertje Hehewerth in conversation with Renée Turner for Pandemic
Dieuwertje Hehewerth: This letter-writing, paired with the focus on clothes, makes the research focus on, and work through, ephemeral forms. They are objects that have a transitory quality – a quality of carrying and covering – of existing as an in between. I’m curious if you see these relations? And more directly in relation to…
Read MoreThe Warp and Weft of Memory publication
There are other stains too. Her sweat has turned brown with time and its acid has etched itself into her white cotton shirts and the lining of dresses.
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