15 – 17 th of December: Women + Craft + Poetry

You are cordially invited to our second Artists Weekend: a weekend full of artist talks, presentations, conversations and poetry readings, from Friday December 15 till Sunday December 17 in H401. The Artists Weekend is part of our 2017 year programme The Female Perspective, curated by Nina Folkersma. This programme focuses on issues around female identity,…

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Join us for Living as Form at H401

International Conference: LIVING AS FORM

First day with keynotes by: Renzo Martens, Patricia Kaersenhout and Pierluigi Sacco.
On 2nd day ‘Open Space Technology’ facilitated by Mahir Namur, with contributions by Tandem (ECF, Breg Horemans), A Sharing Academy (Merlijn Twaalfhoven), University of Utrecht, dept. Community Art: Practice and Theory (Eugène van Erven), DasArt Creative Producer (Barbara van Lindt), Willem de Kooning Academy (Renee Turner), University of the Arts Utrecht (Thera Jonker), Sandberg Institut (Thomas Spijkermann)

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The Warp and Weft of Memory: Out of the closet of Gisèle d’Ailly van Waterschoot van der Gracht

Her closet is packed but meticulously labelled and at times with narrative descriptions: “exotic slippers”, “these pants are good but too short” and “panty hose without feet – good for boots”. Her taxonomical reflections jump between German, Dutch, French and English. Moccasins fill several boxes.

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Stipendium for Established Artists

I’m happy and humbled that The Mondriaan Foundation has generously awarded me the ‘Stipendium for Established Artists’. This funding is for two years and will be used for the research and development of my work with and within H401. A very big thank you to the Mondriaan Foundation for this opportunity.

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Willem de Kooning Academy Studium Generale talk with Jan Verwoert

Studium Generale, lecture by Jan Verwoert on “appropriation–>invocation–>supercommodification”

Jan Verwoert is a critic and writer on contemporary art and cultural theory, based in Berlin. He is a contributing editor of frieze magazine, his writing has appeared in different journals, anthologies and monographs. He teaches at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam, the de Appel curatorial programme and the Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

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Dear Bill: an ongoing conversation on art education

As my eyes catch yours in passing, I think about the Black Mountain College, and what it must have been like. Did you even use the word ‘curriculum’, or was there simply an unspoken symbiotic flow between lessons and like minds? I can’t imagine what it must have been like to work alongside Josef and Anni Albers – his disciplined studies on colour and her textiles and weaving.

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Conversation with Nana Adusei-Poku and John Akomfrah

For me, the two most timely and memorable quotes of the evening were from The Stuart Hall Project, where Hall says “Race is the lens through which people come to perceive that a crisis is developing.” In the wake of Ferguson, no truer words could be spoken about current economic and social divides.

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Screening of The Stuart Hall Project followed by a conversation between John Akomfrah and Nana Adusei-Poku

Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art hosts the screening of The Stuart Hall Project and a conversation with the director John Akomfrah, in collaboration with the Piet Zwart Institute and the Research Professorship for Cultural Diversity. This event is conceived by the Piet Zwart Institute’s Interdepartmental Think Tank. The group is composed of representatives from the Creating 010 Research Centre, staff members, students from each programme and the Director of the Piet Zwart Institute. Looking at how interests can be shared across courses, they plan interdisciplinary projects and public programming.

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ART for MEMORY – Karen Bernedo and Orestes Bermudez Rojas (Peru) in Conversation with Renée Turner

This event hosted and organised by Castrum Peregrini in collaboration with the Prince Claus Fund and is part of Culture in Action 2014 Prince Claus Awards Week.Lecture ConversationArt for Memory7 december, 19 uurEntrance 5 euro; students 3 euro;RSVP at E: productie@castrumperegrini.nl Karen Bernedo and Orestes Bermudez Rojas will present their work and enter into a…

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