European Academy of Participation: Cooking & Conviviality

As a part of the European Academy of Participation hosted at Herengracht 401 a group formed to take care of the very simple and practical task of preparing lunch and dinner for all those who attended. While chopping, stewing, and stirring, certain thematic trajectories intuitively emerged and were explored:

  • Limits as possibilities
  • Cultures of cooking
  • Knowledge sharing as flavour sharing
  • Food taboos
  • Relative umami
  • Mapping food idioms of different languages
  • Alternative uses
  • Filth and cleaning
  • Yesterday’s leftovers as today’s new
  • Choreographies of the kitchen
  • Food stories
  • Food histories
  • Daily routines

At the end of the week, a publication was produced called, Cooking and Conviviality: Not Quite A Reader. Functioning as a souvenir, the document included documentation, references, personal notes, and reflections on cooking and eating together.

For an impression of the kitchen soundscape, you can listen to it here.

European Academy of Participation Course in Amsterdam ran in parallel with the one in Bucharest and in Marseille. Amsterdam specifically focussed on peer-learning and horizontal knowledge exchange and thereby building an alternative space of learning. Practitioners from various disciplines developed their understanding, their knowledge and their perspective on participatory art practice.