Fellowship at V2: Lab for the Unstable Media

As of 2021, I am a Fellow at V2: Lab for Unstable Media. In the V2_Fellowships artists, curators and theorists work together with V2_, pursuing mutual knowledge and practices. The V2_fellowship program aims at advancing the work of mid-career artists, curators and theorists. Fellows are invited to launch a project or deepen their research in association with V2_ Lab, based on their expertise and their specific views on relevant discourses in the field of art, technology and society. The ensuing collaborations are not defined in time. Multiple V2_fellows can be active at the same time and collaborate or exchange ideas. Fellows are given the opportunity to develop their own practice while contributing to V2_’s public programs, productions and/or publications. V2_ intends to create sustainable practices through generating and maintaining an environment for artistic production with time and space for reflection and experiment. Read more about V2_Fellowships & other Fellows.