Map Fest @ Mediamatic


Map Fest took place at Mediamatic Bank on July 6, 8 and 9.

The second evening of Map Fest was dedicated to Mapping for Clarity. Guests were Richard Rogers, Catalogtree and De Geuzen. Urban sociologist and researcher Merijn Oudenampsen moderated the evening.

Our talk was titled: Cartographies and Patterns: a view from the ladder

For this talk we spoke about decoupling mapping and mastery by moving through two of our projects, Looping the Hoep and Unravelling Histories. We discussed cartography as a form of undoing, in other words as a means of questioning territories as opposed to defining them. Maps have always been connected to authority; empires have defined themselves from a cartographical point of view. Borders are drawn and assurance is had through knowing exactly what belongs where. But there are other kinds of maps that are driven by curiosity and charted from a more intimate perspective. Without a bird’s-eye view, a point is drawn and a line is traced. Like Maria Reiche who mapped the Nazca lines while standing on a ladder, the scale and destination are not foreseeable, and the route is measured in close proximity to the body.

(Pattern) The Dress of Here, There and Other Dislocations: Unravelling History:


Badges which were a part of the souvenir package for the project, Looping the Hoep:
