Screenshot of preparations for “Aesthetic Strategies As Critical Interventions”

Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011: Aesthetic strategies as critical interventions. Works presented by JR Carpenter, Renée Turner, Andreas Jacobs and Simon Biggs. Panel hosted by Rita Raley. Location: Perdu Theater, Kloveniersburgwal 86, Amsterdam. I talked briefly about De Geuzen’s work the Global Anxiety Monitor, which ran from 2007 until October 2011. Operating through the browser, the…

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The Global Anxiety Monitor @ STUK

In On Gaps and Silent Documents international artists question the absence of documents and data in archives, data banks and memory. What is missing? Has it never been there or has it been removed? Does available information exist that is not looked at, read or used? Archives and data banks are primarily determined by these gaps and silent documents. As Sven Spieker notes, “Archives are less concerned with memory than with the necessity to discard, erase, eliminate.”

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